Why You Need Us

Don’t stand by and be a victim of identity fraud.

Take control with idLink systems patented anonymization.

Don’t feel helpless; idLink system can help.

Let’s face it, the world isn’t always a safe place. Cyberspace is an even more dangerous place when you consider the amount of fraud that takes place every single day. A record 15.4 million people in the U.S. were impacted by data breaches in 2016. That impact is is magnified when it comes to healthcare and personal identity matters.

We could write pages and pages of our own words about why there are legitimate concerns regarding these matters, but we'd rather let the experts tell you:

Electronic Medical Records Are The Latest Target For Identity Thieves

idLink is here to help solve those issues. Our proprietary and patented technology combines multifactor biometrics, which ensure that you are correctly identified and verified, with anonymization, which keeps you and your records securely anonymous, to reduce and even eliminate the myriad risks associated with personal identity threats.